Olivia's Resting Place

 Olivia is watching over us, and we are watching over her resting place.

It was an obvious choice to have Olivia laid to rest and wait for her parents at Riverside Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio.  Olivia’s grandfather, August Ferdinand Alber, had already been laid to rest at Riverside in September 1969. Olivia's Aunt Maimu was laid to rest at Riverside in May 2004.

Olivia rests at the right hand of her Father, Daddy.  Jesus ascended into Heaven, and, He is seated at the right hand of the Father.  “The right hand of God” means eternal happiness. It means inestimable, inexpressible beatitude.

Furthermore, it was important for us (Olivia’s parents) to be in an area where there was a lot of sun for all the flowers to grow, and enough room for a family memorial to honor and celebrate our family.  We were able to do that on the Boulevard, as we call it, which offers wonderful shade during the summer and beautiful colorful foliage in the autumn.

During the winter, the trees offer resting space for the birds who come to seek food and rest. Lastly, the trees during the spring offer renewed hope of life everlasting.

The Boulevard begins directly in front of the Stone Chapel. It is lined on both sides of the street with maple trees. 

Our family memorial is in section 23, which is located on the second block, east, from the Stone Chapel, on the north side of the street.  We are located directly in the front row for everyone to see, remember and reflect. Just look for Olivia’s smiling face.      

With eternal love,

            Gary and Linda



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Feel free to e-mail parents:   olivia@wildmoose.com